News from AMATYC (Fall 2017)

By Kathryn Kozak, VP of the SW Region

I have enjoyed being the Vice President of the Southwest Region of AMATYC for these last five and a half years. I have especially enjoyed attending ArizMATYC conferences and continuing to be involved in ArizMATYC. I know the next Vice President of the Southwest Region will represent the region very well.

The election for AMATYC officers is completed and the new board will start on January 1, 2018. For the Southwest region April Ström from Scottsdale Community College in Scottsdale, AZ, is the new vice president. I extremely appreciate the members of AMATYC electing me as the President-elect of AMATYC. I look forward to serving AMATYC in this new position.

I hope that you are planning to attend the Annual AMATYC Conference in San Diego, AC, November 9 to 12. In addition to the great conference sessions, the exhibits, and the opportunities for networking with colleagues around the country, you will also be there for the unveiling of the new standards document called AMATYC IMPACT. I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Lastly, I want to thank you all for having the faith in me to elect me for 3 terms as the Vice President. I am honored.