I just returned from the spring board meeting of the AMATYC Board. The most exciting thing to tell you is that the board has approved the Southwest Regional Meeting to take place in the summer of 2013. It will be a great deal of work, but I know this region is up for it. This gives all of us an opportunity to show the other regions how well we can host a meeting. Your affiliate president will be contacting you with more information.
There were many other ideas and information discussed at the meeting. One of the information items that was presented is that a few of the AMATYC committees have openings for regional representatives. I would like to have a southwest representative on all of the committees, so if you are on one of these committees, or are interested in joining these committees, and would like to represent the southwest region, please contact the chair of the following committees:
- Math Intensive – Sandy Poinsett (sandrap@csmd.edu)
- Mathematics for AAS programs – Ned Schillow (nschillow@lccc.edu)
- Research in Mathematics Education for Two-Year Colleges (RMETYC) – April Strom (april.strom@sccmail.maricopa.edu)
In addition, several task forces were created during the meeting. If you are interested in serving on one of these task forces, please let me know and I will forward your name to Jim Roznowski. He will contact you if there are still openings on the task force. The task forces are:
- 40th Anniversary Planning
- Live streaming of annual conference sessions Review of Standards – Beyond Crossroads Updating the guidelines on academic preparation
In addition, there is a Statistics pre-session on Wednesday, November 7, in Jacksonville, Fl. There is no cost for the pre-session, but you will have to provide all travel costs.
Also, approved at this meeting was a pre-session on research in two-year mathematics programs, hosted by the RMETYC committee also on November 7. Look for more information on this from April Strom.
I am excited to be a part of this region. Please let me know if you need anything from me.
Kathryn Kozak, VP of the Southwest Region of AMATYC