
PDF of
2017 Constitution and Bylaws
of ArizMATYC

Constitution updated at the March 31, 2017 ArizMATYC Meeting.


Article I – Name
The name of this Association shall be the Arizona Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (ArizMATYC).

Article II – Purpose
The Arizona Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges is a non-profit, education association. Its purpose is:
a) to encourage the development of effective mathematics programs;
b) to afford a state forum for the interchange of ideas;
c) to further develop and improve the mathematics education and mathematics related experiences of students in two year colleges;
d) to promote the professional welfare and development of its members;
e) to provide the opportunity to study and keep abreast of new trends in mathematics;
f) to promote professional cooperation and communication between teachers and administrators for the realization of sound educational achievements;
g) to promote support for and involvement in the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (AMATYC).

Article III – Membership
Any teacher of mathematics or other person in sympathy with two year college mathematics education is eligible for regular membership.

Article IV – Dues
Dues are paid by all members at the designated rate set by the Executive Board.

Article V – Officers and Executive Board       
a) The officers of this Association shall be President, Immediate Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.
b) The Executive Board of this Association shall consist of the officers of the Association, the webmaster, the historian and the Arizona affiliate delegate(s) of the AMATYC Delegate Assembly.

Article VI – Meetings
There shall be a minimum of one regular meeting of the Association each year, this meeting(s) shall be held in conjunction with the meeting(s) of the Arizona Mathematics Articulation Task Force (Math ATF), unless an alternate meeting is determined by the Executive Board and all members are so informed.

Article VII – Committees
Committees are appointed, as needed, by the President subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Board or by a majority of the Executive Board itself. Appointed committees are dissolved by the Executive Board.

Article VIII – Amendment Procedure
This constitution or bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting at any regular meeting, provided that written notice and a copy of any proposed amendment shall have been furnished to the membership prior to the meeting.

Article IX – Dissolution
If, at any time, the Association shall cease to carry out the purposes as herein stated, all assets and property held by the Association, whether in trust or otherwise, shall, after payment of its liabilities, be paid over to the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges to be used exclusively for any project, or educational purposes, as determined by the Executive Board of that organization.



Article I – Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall be the authority on all questions of procedures not specifically stated in this Constitution and Bylaws.

Article II – Qualifications, Terms and Duties of Officers and Other Members of the Executive Board
1) Officers of this Association shall be active members of the Arizona Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges.
2) Terms of Office

a) Election of all officers except that of the president will be held every two years (in even years) by an electronic ballot prior to December 1. The President-Elect will assume the office of the presidency for the following term. Announcement of new officers will take place prior to January 1. All officers shall assume the duties of their offices on January 1.

b) The President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer shall serve for a period of two years. If vacated, these offices shall be filled by the Executive Board for the remainder of the term.

c) The Affiliate Delegates to the AMATYC Delegate Assembly shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board for a period of two years and shall be subject to reappointment.

3) Duties of Officers

a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Board, and shall administer the affairs of the Association. The President shall appoint all committees in a manner consistent with Article VII of the Constitution, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall prepare an annual report covering, the activities of the Association. This report shall be filed as a part of the permanent records of the Association.

b) The Immediate Past President shall assist the President and the Executive Board and serve as vendor liaison for all conferences.

c) The President-Elect shall serve as membership chairperson.

d) The Secretary shall keep all records and minutes of meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board and shall be responsible for preserving the annual reports of historical records of the Association.

e) The Treasurer shall collect all dues and other income of the Association. The Treasurer shall pay all routine bills as provided by the annual budget and such other bills as approved by the Executive Board and the President, shall keep all financial records and make a financial report at each meeting. A copy of these reports shall be filed as a part of the permanent records of the Association.

f) The Affiliate Delegates shall represent ArizMATYC at the AMATYC Delegate Assembly and exercise all duties of an AMATYC delegate as specified in the AMATYC Constitution, Bylaws, and Policy Manual.

Article III – Executive Board
The members of the Executive Board are defined in Article V of the Constitution. This committee shall sit as the governing board of the Arizona Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges. It shall have the power to transact the business of the Association; initiate, develop and determine the policies of the Association; work out the budget; and appoint officers as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws.

Article IV – Fiscal Year and Dues
The fiscal year and membership year for the Association shall be determined by the Executive Board to best coincide with the AMATYC membership renewal procedure and with the needs of ArizMATYC.

Article V – Meetings
There shall be a minimum of one meeting each year as specified in Article VI of the Constitution.

Article VI – Dues As Prerequisite For Active Participation
Eligibility to vote on Association business or in Association elections or to make nominations for officers of the Association or to serve on Association committees as a voting member or to stand for office in the Association or in any other way to participate actively in the business of the Association requires prior payment of dues for the fiscal year in which the membership activity is exercised.

Revised: March 31, 2017

PDF of Old (April, 1993) Constitution of ArizMATYC


Arizona Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges