Category Archives: Meetings

Posts about ArizMATYC and AMATYC meetings.

Fall 2017 ArizMATYC Conference at Chandler-Gilbert CC

Save the Date:

Teaching Mathematics in 2017 and Beyond
ArizMATYC – Fall 2017 Conference

October 6, 2017

This conference will include two keynote speakers, a panel discussion, and active discussions all focused on questions such as:

  • What do our students need to succeed in a 2017 world and beyond?
  • What role could/should technology play in learning mathematics?
  • How do we maintain a rigorous balance between conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, application/problem solving?
  • What strategies are most effective for student success in the mathematics classroom?
  • What mathematics should be taught and how should we teach it to meet the needs of our students and the academic/work culture they will face?

Plan to join your colleagues for active discussion about the teaching and learning of mathematics! Details about presenting, registration and accommodations will be posted soon.

Fall ArizMATYC Conference on October 9

Block out your calendars, the Fall ArizMATYC Conference is set for Friday, October 9 at Mesa Community College. Full details may be found on the Next Meeting page above.

Just imagine…

  • An opportunity to rub elbows with colleagues from around the state
  • Many fascinating conference presentations
  • The ever popular articulation meeting
  • Lunch!
  • Campus reports
  • Campus art tour
  • Centrally located in Mesa, Arizona

All for $15 (includes a membership to ArizMATYC!). To preregister for the conference, use the link on the Next Meeting page.

ArizMATYC Fall 2014 Conference and ATF Report

By Ana Jimenez, Pima College

The Fall 2014 ArizMATYC Conference and Articulation Task Force (ATF) Meeting took place at Pima Community College’s Northwest Campus on Friday, October 10, 2014. The Conference began early Friday morning with a breakfast and welcome addresses from Pima Community College Northwest Campus President David Doré and AMATYC Southwest Regional Vice-President Kate Kozak. Sessions included topics ranging from learning communities to differentiation tricks.

Continue reading ArizMATYC Fall 2014 Conference and ATF Report

Conference Sessions Listed – Register Now!

ArizMATYC Conference: Directions in Mathematics


Friday, October 10 in Tucson, Arizona

  • “An Introduction to Calcplot3D”
  • “I Flipped Out in My Flipped Classroom”
  • “Kinesthetic body awareness in the College Algebra classroom”


Check out the Complete ArizMATYC Conference Session List (with Descriptions)

AZ DevEd Summit: Directions in Developmental Education

Saturday, October 11 in Tucson, Arizona

  • “Learning Communities to Support Developmental Education Students”
  • “Fear of Language: How Language Anxiety Perpetuates Life-Long Writing Challenges”
  • “Impact of the Student Success Coach”


Check out the Complete AZ DevEd Summt Session List (with Descriptions)
Register Today!

Fall Meeting Location Announced

Pima College’s Northwest Campus will be the location of the ArizMATYC meeting this fall. This meeting will be held jointly with the Arizona Developmental Education Summit. Because of this we expect a good turn out for both meetings. Set aside the dates, Friday, October 10 and Saturday, October 11, to attend both meetings.

Pima College Northwest Campus

You can get to the conference website by selecting the Next Meeting link on the menu at the top of the page.

ArizMATYC Business Meeting

An organization like ArizMATYC does not operate without the work of many volunteers. All ArizMATYC members (or potential members) are welcome to join the ArizMATYC Business Meeting scheduled from 2:00 to 3:00 PM on October 12 in Prescott. The meeting will be held in Room 19-225 at Yavapai College.

We are helping to host a regional AMATYC conference in 2013 and your involvement would be appreciated. One way you can get started is to join your fellow members at this meeting.

Here is the agenda for this Fall’s meeting.

ArizMATYC Business Meeting
Fall 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Yavapai Community College


  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Anne Dudley
    1. Conference Update
    2. Project ACCCESS
  3. Secretary’s Report – Kristina Burch
  4. Historian Report – David Dudley
  5. Webmaster Report – David Graser
  6. Membership Report – Laura Watkins
  7. New Business
    1. Newsletter Recognition: Sue Jensen
    2. Regional Meeting Update
    3. Election of New Officers
    4. ArizMATYC T-Shirts
    5. AMATYC Conference in November
    6. Upcoming ArizMATYC Conferences
      1. Recommendations for future meetings
        1. Ask members to bring someone with them to the next meeting
          1. Incentives: extra “raffle” ticket for door prizes
          2. Award for bringing the most guests
        2. Survey what people liked about these meetings in years past (on the post-conference survey)
        3. Advertise what ArizMATYC can do for its members
      2. Ideas for Sessions:
        1. Poll members about expertise and what they could present
        2. Need ideas for finding speakers: NAU speakers bureau, textbook authors, consultant who went
        3. Technology sandbox
      3. Reports/updates on planning
  8. Future Meetings
    1. Spring, Feb 2013 — Phoenix College (Joe Sueyoshi)
    2. Regional 2013 — Flagstaff (Ana Jimenez)
    3. Fall 2013 — Northland Pioneer (Eli Blake)
    4. Spring 2013 — Central AZ, Signal Peak CC (Ken Hurley)

ArizMATYC’s Scholarship for the National AMATYC Conference

ArizMATYC is awarding a scholarship to cover an AMATYC member early registration fee for the upcoming AMATYC Conference, to be held on November 8 – 11 in Jacksonville, Florida. 

Any ArizMATYC member is eligible, but preference will be given to ArizMATYC members who have never attended an AMATYC conference.

To apply or nominate someone for this scholarship, please follow this link* and submit the application prior to the deadline of Friday, August 3, 2012.

The recipient of the scholarship will be required to choose one thing learned at the AMATYC Conference and present it in a session at the upcoming spring ArizMATYC Conference.

Joint SUnMaRC, MAA, ArizMATYC Conference Report

 Twice each year the Arizona Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (ArizMATYC) holds a conference for mathematics instructors from two-year institutions in Arizona.  These conferences offer various sessions of interest to mathematics educators, as well as a meeting for the Mathematics Articulation Task Force where representatives from Arizona community colleges and four-year universities address articulation issues. 

This spring, ArizMATYC had the unique opportunity of holding a joint meeting with the Southwestern Section of the Mathematical Association of America and the Southwestern Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference.  Over the course of three days, more than 230 registrants from a dozen states converged on Pima Community College’s beautiful Downtown Campus to attend sessions on programs for pre- and in-service teachers, technology in teaching, undergraduate mathematics research, developmental education, applied and pure mathematics, and engaging students in mathematics. There was a stimulating panel discussion on how to find a job in industry with a mathematics degree and keynote speeches from Dr. Phil Kutzko, Dr. Steven Dunbar, Dr. Omayra Ortega, and Dr. Rebecca McGraw. Dr. Kutzko informed attendees of the National Alliance, a partnership of faculty working to increase the number of underrepresented students in the math sciences.  Dr. Dunbar provided a brief history and role of Mathematical Olympiads in mathematical culture.  Dr. Ortega shared her interesting journey to and current research in mathematical epidemiology.  Dr. McGraw discussed research areas such as technology, cross-cultural comparisons, curriculum and assessment development and the psychology of learning.  Finally, we welcomed with a diverse group of presenters consisting of faculty, instructors, K-12 teachers, graduate students and undergraduate students coming from Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nebraska, North Carolina and Michigan.

We are grateful to Pima Community College for hosting and to all of the participants, presiders, special session organizers and keynote speakers for contributing to the success of this conference.  We look forward to our next conference scheduled this fall at Yavapai CC in Prescott, Arizona.

Ana Jiménez
ArizMATYC President

Spring Meeting Registration Deadline is February 29

The registration deadline for the Spring ArizMATYC / MAA / SUnMaRC
Meeting on March 30 – April 1 is almost here! Preregister by Feb 29.

ArizMATYC & MAA registration fees:

  • $40 General Registration & Saturday includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch, Friday BANQUET and Saturday lunch
  • $30 General Registration includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch, Friday BANQUET
  • $20 One-day General Registration includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch
  • $15 Student Registration includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch, Friday BANQUET
  • $25 Student Registration & Saturday includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch, Friday BANQUET and Saturday lunch
  • $5 One-day Student Registration includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch
  • On-site Registration will be $35 ($20 for students). The banquet is not available for on-site registration.
