AMATYC Project ACCCESS is a mentoring and professional development initiative for two-year college mathematics faculty. The project’s goal is to provide experiences that will help new faculty become more effective teachers and active members of the broader mathematical community. More information can be found on the AMATYC Website.
Arizona has had many Project ACCCESS fellows. Each year ArizMATYC donates money to AMATYC on behalf of its Fellows to support the Project ACCCESS Program.
Laura Watkins, Glendale CC, Cohort 1
Ana Jimenez, Pima CC, Cohort 1
Yin Lin, Pima CC (now in California), Cohort 6
Ben Van Der Linden, Central AZ CC (now Grand Canyon University), Cohort 6
Maya Lanzetta, Coconino CC, Cohort 8
José María Méndez, Pima CC, Cohort 10
Kyley Segers, Pima CC, Cohort 10
A. Sue Steele, Chandler-Gilbert CC, Cohort 11
LeeAnna Misterek, Mesa CC, Cohort 11
Madilyn Marshall, Coconino CC, Cohort 17
Emily Whittington, Pima CC, Cohort 17
Tawanna Wilson, Pima CC, Cohort 17
Anilkumar Sreekumar, Pima CC, Cohort 18