All posts by ArizMATYC WebDude

Spring Meeting Registration Deadline is February 29

The registration deadline for the Spring ArizMATYC / MAA / SUnMaRC
Meeting on March 30 – April 1 is almost here! Preregister by Feb 29.

ArizMATYC & MAA registration fees:

  • $40 General Registration & Saturday includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch, Friday BANQUET and Saturday lunch
  • $30 General Registration includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch, Friday BANQUET
  • $20 One-day General Registration includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch
  • $15 Student Registration includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch, Friday BANQUET
  • $25 Student Registration & Saturday includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch, Friday BANQUET and Saturday lunch
  • $5 One-day Student Registration includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch
  • On-site Registration will be $35 ($20 for students). The banquet is not available for on-site registration.


AMATYC Foundation Grants for ICME-12

The AMATYC Foundation will be accepting applications for grants to attend the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12) to be held in Seoul, South Korea from July 8 to July 15, 2012.  The deadline for applications to receive one of the $400 grants is March 1.  Successful applicants will be notified by March 15.

 To apply you may complete the attached application form or submit an online version of the form available at

Position Statement on Proctored Testing

As many of you know, AMATYC puts out position statements on certain topics. The Innovative Teaching and Learning Committee (ITLC) has developed a position statement on proctoring testing. There will be a forum on this topic at the AMATYC Annual Conference in Jacksonville, FL in November. Then it will go to the Delegate Assembly at that meeting. If you have any input on this, you can send it to the ITLC committee, attend the forum, or email me. You can find the position paper at

Let me know if you have any comments.

Kathryn (Kate) Kozak (Kathryn.Kozak@COCONINO.EDU)
VP of Southwest Region

Student Participation at the SunMaRC

The University of Arizona Math Center will allocate $1000 to support student participation from community colleges in order to encourage participation from community colleges at SUnMaRC. This support will go to community colleges who have not participated in SUnMaRC before. A faculty member from that community college must nominate the student and the student must have taken at least two semesters of calculus (Otherwise the student may not be able to understand the mathematical presentations at SUnMaRC). The Math Center will provide for the registration fee for the student. If funding permits, we may also be able to pay for the hotel for the students.

Funding requests should be sent to W. Y. Velez ( Funding allocation will be on a first-come-first served basis.

AZ Republic: The Race to Online

In case your are not a Phoenix resident, the Arizona Republic has been documenting online secondary education since last Sunday. Many of the issues raised in this series are the same issues we face in our online classes. And many of these students will eventually appear in our community college classes. In particular, the third part of the series discusses cheating by online students.

Here are links to the stories.

Registration Open for Spring Conference

The Joint ArizMATYC, MAA Southwest Region and SUnMaRC Conference Registration is open. This conference will be held from Friday, March 30 through Sunday, April 1….no foolin’!

To register in advance,  goto: and click on Registration.

There are two levels of general hunca life katalog registration available. Advanced registration costs either $20 or $30. The $30 option includes Friday breakfast, Friday lunch hunca life and Friday BANQUET. The $20 option includes Friday breakfast and Friday lunch. General hunca life registration on site huncalife katalog will cost $35. Student registration options are also available.

Come join your colleagues from across the Southwest for a weekend of fantastics sessions and Tucson hospitality.

Creativity and Dishonesty

NPR reported on a study by Dan Ariely (of Predictably Irrational fame) and Francesca Gino that links creativity and dishonesty. Since acafemic dishonesty has been a hot topic in education (particularly online education), I thought I would post a link to the report

as well to the article in the Journal of Personailty and Social Psychology

Take a look and see what you might be able to apply in your own classroom. In light of this information, what is the best strategy for curtailing dishonesty in online classes?

Here is a link to Dan Ariely’s TED talk “Are we in control of our own decisions?”