All posts by ArizMATYC WebDude

Online Registration for Spring Conference Now Available

The Spring 2015 ArizMATYC Conference is a little over a month away! Join your colleagues from around the state at Cochise College in Sierra Vista on February 20. You can register online now through the link below.

Register Online Today

Please register by February 6 to ensure lunch availability.

There is still time to submit a conference proposal.

Submit a Proposal to Speak

The deadline for proposals is January 16.

PhotoMath: The New Killer App for Students?

Logo PhotoMath landscapeOver the past few hours, many news sources like CNN and Engadget have reported on the app PhotoMath. According to their website, this app claims

PhotoMath reads and solves mathematical expressions by using the camera of your mobile device in real time. It makes math easy and simple by educating users how to solve math problems.

Wow! What an enlightened view of how this app might be used.

Continue reading PhotoMath: The New Killer App for Students?


By Kathryn Kozak, VP of the SW Region of AMATYC

Being a member of AMATYC has some benefits that I would like to outline. Mostly, a member receives a discount to the annual conference that actually saves the member more than the cost of membership. So if you are attending a conference, it makes more sense to be a member.

Continue reading AMATYC News

ArizMATYC Fall 2014 Conference and ATF Report

By Ana Jimenez, Pima College

The Fall 2014 ArizMATYC Conference and Articulation Task Force (ATF) Meeting took place at Pima Community College’s Northwest Campus on Friday, October 10, 2014. The Conference began early Friday morning with a breakfast and welcome addresses from Pima Community College Northwest Campus President David Doré and AMATYC Southwest Regional Vice-President Kate Kozak. Sessions included topics ranging from learning communities to differentiation tricks.

Continue reading ArizMATYC Fall 2014 Conference and ATF Report

Conference Sessions Listed – Register Now!

ArizMATYC Conference: Directions in Mathematics


Friday, October 10 in Tucson, Arizona

  • “An Introduction to Calcplot3D”
  • “I Flipped Out in My Flipped Classroom”
  • “Kinesthetic body awareness in the College Algebra classroom”


Check out the Complete ArizMATYC Conference Session List (with Descriptions)

AZ DevEd Summit: Directions in Developmental Education

Saturday, October 11 in Tucson, Arizona

  • “Learning Communities to Support Developmental Education Students”
  • “Fear of Language: How Language Anxiety Perpetuates Life-Long Writing Challenges”
  • “Impact of the Student Success Coach”


Check out the Complete AZ DevEd Summt Session List (with Descriptions)
Register Today!

First Day Activities

redwood_01I guess all of you are also finishing off your first week or two of classes. Over the years I have spent less and less time going over the course policies on the first day. For me, the first day used to be an anomaly. I talked all of the hour and fifteen minutes and they sat. None of the subsequent classes would be like this. Yet this first day often turns students off and gives them the impression that my class is a one way communication channel. Many students may drop the class purely on the basis of that first day.

Instead of spending the entire class on the syllabus, I do fifteen minutes on how their grade is determined and then move on to an activity. For my college algebra class this semester, this activity had a secret motive. I decided to add to the group activities I do in class and make the projects in the class a collaborative effort. To make these groups effective, I need to get a feel for the students and how they work together. I wanted the activity to give me a feel for their personality…leader or follower.

Continue reading First Day Activities

Fall Meeting Location Announced

Pima College’s Northwest Campus will be the location of the ArizMATYC meeting this fall. This meeting will be held jointly with the Arizona Developmental Education Summit. Because of this we expect a good turn out for both meetings. Set aside the dates, Friday, October 10 and Saturday, October 11, to attend both meetings.

Pima College Northwest Campus

You can get to the conference website by selecting the Next Meeting link on the menu at the top of the page.