AMATYC Annual Conference in New Orleans

by Kathryn Kozak, VP of the SW Region of AMATYC

November 19-22 will be a great time in New Orleans. The AMATYC Annual Conference is being held in this exciting city during this time. This year there will be three themed sessions, one focused one statistics, another focused on teacher preparation, and the last one on precalculus, calculus, and beyond. Themed sessions are hosted by committees, and involve six, 15-minute sessions focusing on the theme of the themed session. The will also be a round table discussion on placement and assessment ideas. In addition, there is a research session on Thursday night, where you can see the latest research in two-year college mathematics education. The committees have been working very hard to make these sessions the best they can be. Please consider becoming involved in a committee so that you can be involved in the focus of the committees, and AMATYC, in the future. Each committee meets on Friday, November 20 from 4:15-5:45.

Changes in developmental education have been the forefront of mathematics education recently. To address these changes, AMATYC, in partnership with the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas, Austin, is sponsoring a symposium during the conference. This symposium will focus on the pathways model for developmental education.

There are so many incredible sessions to attend. And don’t forget the Southwest Regional Luncheon on Friday from noon to 1:30. This is your chance to meet people from other parts of the region, find out news from AMATYC, and share what is happening in your state. I hope to see you all at the lunch.

Lastly, don’t forget the New Orleans is an exciting city to visit. The conference is housed at a hotel right off of the French Quarter. Delicious restaurants, great shops, fabulous entertainment, and beautiful architecture await you steps from the hotel. See you all there.