2023 Arizona Women’s Symposium in Mathematics

The 2023 Arizona Women’s Symposium in Mathematics (AWSiM 2023), will take place on Saturday, November 18 – Sunday, November 19 at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ.

The conference will have three plenary research talks, contributed talk sessions, and a student poster session, where women mathematicians in Arizona can share their work. The symposium will also include a workshop on teaching and equity in math courses, as well as structured networking sessions during lunch. We hope that faculty, instructors, and students will attend.  Everyone is welcome to participate.

Limited funding is also available to support some participants. (Please see website below for more information.)

More information can be found on the conference website: https://sites.google.com/view/awsim-2023/home

Flyer: Arizona Women’s Symposium in Mathematics